This is who we are.
This is NorEast Branding.

Logo design and branding in Newcastle. We strive to uphold values that help drive positive growth.


NorEast is a brand studio dedicated to positive change.

We promote forward-thinking organisations through creative strategy, branding and design. We’re rallying behind the people, businesses and causes that spur positive change. Let’s move the world.


Eco-friendly branding
solutions Newcastle

Our goal is to create bold and effective brands that not only leave a lasting impact but help promote and expand it outward; amplifying your business while keeping our shared passion for sustainability a priority.

Nate - Founder of NorEast Branding

“It all begins with an idea. I wanted to use my skillset in design and branding to help promote positive change and protect the environment. I’ve built NorEast around this foundational idea. Build better brands for businesses making positive impacts.”

Our Brand Values

  • Getting outside is good for the mind and soul. At NorEast we prioritise having time to regather and breathe in the freshest of air. We promote spending time where your mind feels free from stress and strife and struggle; whether that be in the bush, mountain-tops or out in the salty swell. Cobwebs belong in the trees, not your mind.

  • Back yourself and be brave. Push new boundaries, try new things, and don’t be afraid of failure. As a company, we’re more afraid of blending into a sea of sameness than failing while trying something new.

  • We’re a creative studio minus the ‘BS’. We leave our egos aside and focus on what needs to be done. We want good people, good ideas, good brands with great banter and strong long-term relationships.

  • We give a shit, about the planet, about people, each other, our clients and the work we produce. We promise to keep pushing for positive change, challenging ourselves to do better (because nobody is perfect), and learning everything we can along the way. We strive to be the best version of ourselves every single day.

Our Impact


Each employee's carbon footprint is (more than) offset. This includes the whole of your team's emissions.

Help in funding the world's best climate crisis solutions. Every month we help plant groves of trees, and finance carbon avoidance projects from around the world.

1% for the Planet

1% for the Planet member businesses give at least 1% of their annual sales to approved environmental partners.

We support approved environmental partners by donating the equivalent of 1% of sales through a combination of monetary, in-kind and approved promotional expenses.

Not for Profit Discount

We provide discounted services to Not for Profits that come on board and partner with NorEast with our flagship Branding service.